We have seen this subject discussed on several similar posts. First, I'm sorry you feel you have lost someone. This fantasy can run away form you. Some of us have even invested a lot into our fantasies here and pushed our credit cards to the limit thinking we have something real going here. As cold as someone said above, it is best to invest in real relationships outside of the site and just enjoy the site for what it is, just fun. The real objective of models is to make money and many will feed your/our need for attention by making us think they are gay when they are not, that we have chance with them when we do not, that they have not relationship outside of this place when they are so gorgeous, and that they will meet you one day when of course that will never happen. I have spent a lot here, time and money, and the end result for the two times after spending so much time and money was the same:
Abrupt departure with nary a good bye, not even: "I have to leave soon", not even a trace. One model I did track down through social media was so different in his life outside of the site that I was ashamed to have even tracked him down. I would have been afraid to have approached him, as his very coarse life and crude social media postings shocked me. Neither were gay like they portrayed themselves to be here.
If you are going to stay on this site and enjoy things, have several models you want to have fun with, don't let them get in your head.